Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 2: Dashimaki Tamago

This week’s recipe was Dashimaki Tamago, from Kihon no Washoku, pub. Orange Page (2000)

Ingredients (for 2)

Egg mixture:

Eggs 3

Dashi (stock) 2 large spoons

Mirin 1 large spoon

Sugar 2 large spoons

Salad oil 1 large spoon

Grated daikon

Soy sauce

Break eggs into a bowl, and remove white lumps with chopsticks

Beat eggs and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix.

Heat up square pan and add salad oil, removing excess with a paper towel.

Pour 1/3 of the egg mixture into the pan over a medium heat

Pop any bubbles that appear with chopsticks

Before the top dries, roll the egg towards you with chopsticks

Then wipe a little oil on the empty space in the pan with the paper towel

Move egg to the side of the pan away from you and add oil to the pan in the same way

Add half of the remaining egg mixture and move the pan a little to ensure the liquid runs under the egg you have already rolled

Roll the egg back towards you, again doing this before the top of the mixture dries.

Repeat with the rest of the egg mixture

Take it out of the pan and cut into slices. Arrange on a dish, add grated daikon and a little soy sauce.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Miss Mugwort, As your guest I must say your dashi tamago was very tasty indeed!
